Thursday, March 3, 2011

Winner and Fried Chickpeas

These were a lunchtime whim. I had leftover cooked chickpeas in the fridge and remembered I had read in one of my cookbooks that they turn in to all kinds of awesome when fried. So, I got going and 15 minutes later had super addictive, crunchy chickpeas to munch on/fight of my toddler for. They were so good and so easy. You should go make some right now.  Really. And file this one with other easy and healthy snacks that the most everyone, even firey hair toddlers will love.
But first, a word from our winner:
kellebelle said...

I enjoyed your insights into bread as a symbol. I'm also with you in terms of loving bread, and this recipe looks wonderful. I am potentially looking at a move which will necessitate making all my own bread, so I am especially eager to try this out and am definitely interested in the book. Thanks for sharing.

You are our winner of the Laurel's Kitchen Bread book. Contact me at sandrajergensen[at]gmail[dot]com to receive your winnings.

And now for some fried chickpeas.

Fried Chickpeas
recipe tweaked from Mark Bittman's Food Matters Cookbook

3 T. olive oil (grapeseed also worked nicely)
2 cups cooked (or canned) chickpeas as dry as possible
Sea Salt and Fresh Pepper
1/4 cup, fresh parsley, chopped (optional)

1. Put the oil in a skillet large enough to hold the chickpeas in one layer over medium-high heat. When it's hot add the chickpeas and sprinkle them with salt and pepper.

2. Cook, shaking the pan occasionally until the chickpeas are browned and crisp, 15 minutes. Serve hot or room temperature, seasoned with more salt and garnished with parsley if you like. I also added some lemon zest and squeeze of juice at the end.

1 comment:

  1. My favorite chickpea recipe. The sherry adds such a nice flavor:


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