March Grains. subtopics: learning the nutritional value of different grains, How to use your wheat, Grinding and using other grains, Incorporating more whole grains into your diet.
Our next meeting will be on March 10th at 7 PM at Marjorie W's house. Woo hoo!
Please bring your two vegetarian recipes to share with the group: typed up on one sheet and 15 copies. (You can get your copies done at the church because it is for enrichment if you would like)
If you would like to actually bring a dish for us to sample -- that would be great!
The month's reading is on the sidebar. You may be curious about the Ensign Article I linked as a reading. It isn't completely related to the Word of Wisdom or to grains but I was prompted to add it. I feel like this time of year is very difficult on our mental health. Maybe I speak for myself only! I read that article and there is a section of it that talks about the link between depression and diet. I know this can be true. Not only do we not feel mentally at our best when we don't feel comfortable in our bodies but also the food we eat can play a major role in how our brains operate and function. I hope this article can inspire us with ways to get out of any winter-y downs we may be going through, whether it is through diet or elsewhere....
I would love to join! Where do you meet?