Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Cookbook Recommendation

I have checked this book out from the library a few times now. It's Joy of Cooking: All About Vegetarian Cooking by Irma S. Rombauer, Marion Rombauer Becker, and Ethan Becker. It's full of color photos and recipes that are healthy and not too intimidating. But what I like most about it is that it tells you about several ingredients, like in the "About Vegetables" section there is information on buying and keeping, preparing, peeling, and cutting fresh vegetables. It also talks about how to cook or sprout dry beans. I've really enjoyed having a little more information than just the recipes and it makes me feel like I've learned how to use an ingredient rather than how to make one recipe with that ingredient, which I think is important to becoming a better cook.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Nichole. A book that will help me become a better cook and feed my family healthy meals sounds fabulous. I doubt my little city library has it, but I'll find it somewhere. :)


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